Making Disciples of Millennials
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Making Disciples of Millennials

I finished reading another book over the weekend about how the church makes disciples of the millennials. Churches so want to reach the next generation – and usually for very pure, very biblical reasons. Church leaders today talk about a clearer vision. The books speak about understanding who we are trying to reach and better…

Sound Doctrine
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Communicating Sound Doctrine

From the days that I sat at the Seminary listening to seasoned, biblical scholars, sound doctrine stirs me. The professors were people who knew the Scriptures and taught them with confident authority. How do we teach the content of sound doctrine to others in the church? There are so many different opinions about Scripture, how…

Bible, Growing the faith
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Growing the Faith: Leading and Deepening

Recently we have been spending time in our Adult Bible Study talking about the essentials of the faith – the items that we have to believe, that are not negotiable to still be considered a Christian. What doctrines are needed for growing the faith? We have mentioned concepts like beliefs in a personal, creative God;…