The wise among us spend our entire life asking questions. Your curiosity about uncertainties sparks your passion and spurs your desire to discover new truths. The road to the adventure of learning begins because you asked for it.

Where do you find meaning in life? When asked the question, many respond with, “I want to be happy.” Happiness is fleeting and the feeling is rarely sustainable. Life is rooted in discovering the answers to struggles and purpose. Those answers provide value and can be uncovered in the Bible.

But how do I understand the Bible? While the basic message of the Scriptures provides comfort and hope in a generally understandable way, finding answers to specific questions can be challenging. The Bible was written over hundreds of years into a culture that is foreign to ours today.

“Life is filled with unanswered questions, but it is the courage to seek those answers that continues to give meaning to life. You can spend your life wallowing in despair, wondering why you were the one who was led towards the road strewn with pain, or you can be grateful that you are strong enough to survive it.”

J.D. Stroube

Do you have a passage of Scripture that troubles you, or are you wondering what the Bible says about a specific subject? Submit your questions through the form below and I will strive to provide you with an answer from a biblical foundation because you asked for it.

In your question, be sure and mention the actual Scripture verse that you are wondering about if you have one in mind.

If you have a particular setting for the reason for your question, like you are leading a small group study and need ideas or an approach as a discussion question, let me know and I will attempt to address possible lesson ideas.

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Past Columns from “You Asked for It”