A believer understands that all truth is God’s truth. It is a principle that masters all of education. While an unbeliever may have discovered the consistency of natural behavior, a clear perspective on culture can only be seen through the lens of faith. A Christian worldview accepts the beginning, the life lived in the middle and the ending are best interpreted by the presence of God.

How have some pursued truth, and what are we doing to applaud their quest?

The world sees the same problem as the believer. The structures of society – the walls in our lives – are cracked, broken and vulnerable. They need to be rebuilt.

An answer is to make more laws. If more of life were regulated, or if the regulations were better, our lives would be better.

Perhaps an answer is to better manage the issues that develop because of the pressures and stresses of the changes of life. We know that stress has physical effects on us. The website of the Mayo Clinic tells us that stress symptoms “may be affecting your health, even though you may not realize it.” It says that illness is to blame for the irritating headache, your frequent insomnia or your decreased energy at work. Stress may in fact be the cause.

Stress that is left unchecked can contribute to health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. The Clinic lists this chart of the common effects of stress.

On Your Body On Your Mood On Your Behavior
Muscle tension or pain Restlessness Overeating or undereating
Chest pain Lack of motivation or focus Drug or alcohol misuse
Fatigue Feeling overwhelmed Tobacco use
Change in habits Irritability or anger Social withdrawal
Stomach upset Sadness or depression Exercising less often

Are walls also spiritual

Could stress have similar spiritual effects on us as well? Do we need to have a column for the spiritual effects? Think for a moment. If you are depressed, what does that do to your spiritual life? Does it keep you from praying? Does it take you away from your Bible reading? If you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious? Does it make you worry to the point of trusting God less? Does it make you question God more?

Many propose that life is showing us signs that our society – western culture – is crumbling. They point to the breakdown of family and gender, along with the generally rebellion toward those in authority, as significant signs. Confusion over responsibility and ownership regarding big issues – whose fault is this, who is going to do something about it – result in turmoil.

Christian counselors Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend have responded with the best-selling book Boundaries. They state, “Boundaries define us. They define what is me and what is not me. A boundary shows me where I end and someone else begins, leading me to a sense of ownership.” Boundaries then provide protection and provide us stability and comfort.

Not every Christian agrees with this approach. Pastor Rick Warren is one of the prominent voices opposing the concept. Warren summarizes that Boundaries is “another example of the psychological teaching that has infiltrated the contemporary church.” He calls boundaries unbiblical, leading people away from God’s all-sufficient truth.

The quest for coping with a tumultuous culture is on-going. Are there biblical principles that can provide us with the walls needed to protect ourselves, our families and our church?


Next up, check out the posting “Mediterranean Moments.” Learn about the context of our passage of Scripture and discover its value in making application today.
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