A believer understands that all truth is God’s truth. It is a principle that masters all of education. While an unbeliever may have discovered the consistency of natural behavior, a clear perspective on culture can only be seen through the lens of faith. A Christian worldview accepts the beginning, the life lived in the middle and the ending are best interpreted by the presence of God.

How have some pursued truth, and what are we doing to applaud their quest?

It is vital that we celebrate. Tom Volkar, of CoreU Coaching, says, “Celebration is a pivotal stage in the productivity process because it allows us to commemorate all the good that we do.” In a recent post, Volkar talked about the “Authentic Cycle of Probability” – the process in which people are productive. The cycle is illustrated in the figure below.

Authentic Cycle of Probability

Notice where celebration falls in the cycle. We normally celebrate when things are all over – as long as we evaluate and believe that we have been successful.

Katherine Spinney, life coach with a decade of experience supporting others in their professional journeys, says “We do not take sufficient time to stop and celebrate the good work being done. We think we do not have enough time or money for such recognition.” She wonders over the years, how many different parties, festivals and parades have you been to celebrating one thing or another?

The AARP website says “Ever since early man discovered fire and cheered an end to raw meat, celebrations have united human communities in honoring momentous events, rites of passage, religious observances and more.”

The Psychology Today website ran an article titled, “Why You Should Celebrate Everything.” The article tells us that moments of celebration make us pause and thoughtfully consider life, which boosts our well-being. “According to social psychology researcher Fred Bryant, when we stop to savor the good stuff, we buffer ourselves against the bad and build resilience.” Even small celebrations can boost positive emotions which makes it easier to manage the daily challenges that cause major stress.

In a world where sin is present at every corner, where chaos seems to reign supreme, and where bad appears to triumph over good, it is vital that we understand the value of celebrating.