Below you will find thirty Scriptures for your reading challenge. Hover over the listing with your mouse and verse will appear in the NIV translation.
Week 1
- 1 | 2 Tim 3:16
- 2 | Ps 119:165
- 3 | Mk 4:24
- 4 | Pr 30:5
- 5 | Ps 56:4
- 6 | Ps 119:11
- 7 | Mt 24:35
Week 2
- 8 | Heb 4:16
- 9 | Eph 2:8
- 10 | Titus 2:11
- 11 | Rom 3:24
- 12 | Ps 103:8
- 13 | Ps 136:1
- 14 | Lam 3:22
Week 3
- 15 | Heb 11:6
- 16 | Rom 10:17
- 17 | Heb 11:1
- 18 | Pr 3:5-6
- 19 | 1 Cor 16:13
- 20 | Luke 17:5
- 21 | 1 Cor 2:5
Week 4
- 22 | Phil 4:6
- 23 | Rom 8:26
- 24 | James 5:16
- 25 | Mt 6:7
- 26 | Jer 33:3
- 27 | Col 4:2
- 28 | 1 Thes 5:17
Week 5
- 29 | 2 Tim 3:16
- 30 | Ps 119:71
The challenge is for you to begin each day with a verse of Scripture and pause for a moment of prayer. As you read through the verses above, follow the prayer guides below for each week’s Scriptures.
Spend a moment each day this week thanking God for giving us His Words to live by. Ask Him for help and guidance as you strive to live a life pleasing to Him.
This week take a moment each day to thank God for His gracious loving spirit. Praise Him that He loves you enough pay the penalty for your weaknesses and sins.
During your prayer time this week, ask God to strengthen and deepen your faith. Ask Him for opportunities to talk about your faith with others.
Ask God to help teach you to pray on a deeper level. Thank Him that He listens and cares for you.
This week thank God for the time you have had to share with Him through His Word and through prayer. Ask God to bless your life because of it.