Are you ready to begin a 21-day journey having fellowship with each other and with the Word? Starting each day with Scripture will build a positive habit for the year, as well as encourage and strengthen your faith.

There are verses for each of our days posted on my website. I will make the page active and provide you a link to the website page over the weekend. I will place a link to the verse on the site in Facebook each morning. If you want to be online when I am posting the link, I will do so at 8:30am each day. You can interact with the verse at your own convenience.

In the examples below, there are “pop-up” boxes when you hover over some of the words to help you have a better understanding of meaning. For instance, hover over the phrase “translation or paraphrase” and the word “context.” Click on the words and a pop-up box will give you additional information about these important concepts.

The goals for our 21-day journey:

  • Start each day with a Scripture. Read the verse from two or three different versions. Are there different nuances that are brought out in the translation or paraphrase ?

example: John 14:1-2

John 14:1-2 KJV John 14:1-2 NASB John 14:1-2 NIV John 14:1-2 NLT John 14:1-2 MESSAGE
John 14:1-2 NRSV John 14:1-2 NCV John 14:1-2 ESV John 14:1-2 HCSB John 14:1-2 RVA
John 14:1-2 NET John 14:1-2 GREEK



  • Start each day reflecting on an application of the Scripture to your life. This helps you build your personal context for the passage. “This is what the Scripture has meant to me.” I will offer a question or two to help prompt your thoughts, or you may come up with ideas on your own. Write down your reflections, if possible.

example: Do you remember the first time you heard or read this verse? I remember memorizing this passage in Sunday School when I was about a third-grader. I always wondered why one version said “mansions” and another “rooms.” The older I get, the more it comforts me when I think about heaven as a “home.”


  • Start out each day with a prayer. I will word a prayer for you, but I will encourage you to be personal and either re-word the prayer listed, or offer God a similar prayer on your own.

example: Father, we live in a world that can easily trouble us, particularly when we ponder our future. I am grateful that because of faith, You have prepared our future. I am looking forward to the day when I see you face-to-face. Amen.

  • Interact with others about the verse, in order to build fellowship with each other and the Word. There is power when we interact with God’s Word together.

example: You can interact with each other through the chat and messages at the bottom of the devotion, either on my webpage or in Facebook.

As of December 30th, we have about 50 people that are interested in joining us on this 21-day journey. If you have not yet signed up, sign up on the form to the right. It should be an exciting time!