“Tell me a story!”

What parent hasn’t heard that request from a child? From the time we are small, we love stories. Fantasy. Intrigue. Adventure. Romance. Stories convey information in a way that establishes an emotional connection. When we hear a story, we not only learn the information in the story but we learn about the person telling the story.

[su_pullquote align=”right”]We are, as a species, addicted to story. Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories.

Jonathan Gottschall

The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human[/su_pullquote]

Science tells us that when we hear a story that touches us, the levels of a hormone called oxytocin increase inside us. This hormone boosts feelings of trust, compassion, and empathy. It drives us to positively influence our social interactions with others. Marketing consultants know this and tap into this phenomenon to engage audiences in support of a brand or product.

Jesus loved to tell stories. From stories about lost sheep to marriage celebrations, Jesus used parables to illustrate and explain vital truths about the kingdom and about how kingdom people should behave. The stories that Jesus told have endured for centuries because Jesus knew His audience – people like you and me.

A Consistent Brand

The message of Jesus was consistent, even when He told stories. Jesus wasn’t confused about why He was on earth. He knew the message He was to be preaching. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45 NIV). Even though distractions abounded, Jesus did not allow issues, people or principalities to get in the way or bog down His purpose.

Our Approach to Interpreting Parables

When studying the parables, there is a temptation to try to immediately find an application of the story appropriate today. But without a proper understanding of the setting and context of a parable, such an interpretation becomes difficult. We will try to take consistent steps with each parable to build a biblical foundation for making such an application. We may have to alter some of our preconceived notions about the Savior and His kingdom.

[su_pullquote]Storytelling continues to be relevant right now and will continue to be relevant for as long as humans feel the need to tell each other stories.

Sharon King-Campbell[/su_pullquote]

When I study a parable, I follow a seven-step process of building a proper context for each parable. By following the same structure of interpretation, we will lay a foundation of study that can be used in the study of other biblical passages.

Step One: Setting the Stage Step Two: Reconstruct the Immediate Context Step Three: What is Being Compared? Step Four: Who is Jesus Teaching?
Step Five: Notice the Surprising Details Step Six: What is the Larger Biblical Context? Step Seven: How Does this Speak Today?

Story | The Small Parables

We will look at six of the lesser-known parables that Jesus told. As we consider His teachings, we will find some enormous lessons within the illustrations of these small stories. Click on an image below to be taken to the lesson. Enjoy your study in God’s Word through a story.

Well-told Tale Lost More Than I Deserve Real Riches Party Time