Giving God glory means to acknowledge that God occupies the place in your life that He rightly deserves. When you give God glory, it means you understand who God is and how you depend upon Him. The Psalmist writes, “Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name give glory” (Psalm 115:1 NASB).

Do I realize the place that God occupies in my life?

Masterful pastor Chuck Swindoll tells this story:

March 11, 1942, was a dark, desperate day at Corregidor. The Pacific theater of war was threatening and bleak. One island after another had been buffeted into submission. The enemy was now marching into the Philippines as confident and methodical as the star band in the Rose Bowl parade. Surrender was inevitable. The brilliant and bold soldier, Douglas MacArthur, had only three words for his comrades as he stepped into the escape boat destined for Australia:


Upon arriving nine days later in the port of Adelaide, the sixty-two-year-old military statesman closed his remarks with the sentence:


A little over 2 1/2 years later—October 20, 1944, to be exact—he stood once again on Philippine soil after landing safely at Leyte Island. This is what he said:

This is the voice of freedom, General MacArthur speaking. People of the Philippines:


MacArthur kept his word. His word was as good as his bond. Regardless of the odds against him, including the pressures and power of enemy strategy, he was bound and determined to make his promise good.

We keep our word, not so that we can receive applause or honor. That kind of praise is fleeting. We keep our word because God kept His.