Music is different things to different people. Music can make us think, emote and behave. Music can provide the backdrop for deeply meaningful thought or it can be mindless entertainment. Music can exhilarate or provoke. The music of Christmas challenges and encourages our faith.


The brand Spotify is the world’s most popular audio streaming service. Spotify offers a free and a premium product with 365 million users, including 165 subscribers, across 178 markets in over 50 different languages. Their marketing efforts reveal how personal music is to each of us. They also showed how the music created a community with life connections that went deeper than just a love for a particular artist.


Researchers at the University of Westminster and City University of London discovered the music we listened to between the ages of 10 and 30 defines us for the rest of our lives. Music from this period of our lives connects us to people, places and events that are significant to our identities.


Music defines us, molding and shaping our minds and our souls. If these things are true – and they are – then music must also touch my spiritual being. Does the music I listen to define my spirit? Let’s listen again to the Music of Christmas.

Lesson Web Pages
Lesson One: It’s the Celebration Season Lesson Two: Songs & Santa

Lesson Three: Songs of Reflection

Lesson Four: Carols & The Christ

Lesson Handouts

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Christmas Music Trivia
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