all things new

Rise Let Us Go From Here

Rise let us go from here (John 14:31 ESV).

It is the last verse in this incredible chapter in the gospel of John. Rise … let us go from here. We have spent the last fifty days preparing to rise. It is time for us to leave the Upper Room.

Let us go from here with a renewed passion for the resurrection. Our restricted living conditions under COVID-19 have taught us the things we take for granted are missed the most. We take for granted the resurrection. Paul calls the resurrection of Jesus “the most important part of the message” (1 Corinthians 15:3 CEV) – first importance (ESV), utmost importance (PHILLIPS), what was placed so emphatically before me (MSG) – that He was raised from death on the third day, exactly as the Scripture says.

Let us go from here with a renewed passion for the lost. If our studies have shown us one thing, it is that Jesus’ purpose in coming to the cross was to secure salvation for sinners. We know the verse by heart: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

We focus on “His Son.” We reflect on “gave.” We emphasize “believe.” But we overlook the “world.” We need to have a passion for the world, a passion for the lost.

Let us go from here with a renewed passion to honor Jesus. When we understand what Jesus’ sacrifice accomplished, how can we not be motivated to change our behavior? We honor Jesus when we show we understand just how devastating sin really is.

Rise and Sin No More

When Jesus addressed the adulterous woman who had been forced to stand before Him, Jesus compassionately forgave her, reassuring her that He did not condemn her. Instead He urged her to “Rise and sin no more.”

Shouldn’t we rise and do the same?

On this Sunday, the first day of the rest of your life, honor the Resurrected Lord by “rising and going from here.”

“I serve a living Savior. He’s in the world today. He lives!”


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