One Step Closer to rest with the Father

One Step Closer to the Father

Title: One Step Closer to the Father

Scripture passage for the week: John 14:28-31 ESV

Key Phrase: Because I am going to the Father

Can you believe that we are about to start the last week before Easter? We took our first steps on Ash Wednesday and this weekend we celebrate Palm Sunday and proceed through the final week in the earthly ministry of Jesus.

A lot has changed since we started our journey. Circumstances of our lives have changed. Our habits have changed. Relationships have changed. But this year everything has been dictated by a slowly evolving response to the COVID-19 virus.

Regardless of the time you are reading this, you have changed. You have had the opportunity to wrangle with words and phrases of Scripture at a level we don’t often explore. You have had the chance to study Scripture. You have meditated on it day and night for over a month.

Change Brings Us Closer

You HAVE to be different. That is what God’s Word does to us. It cuts to the quick, separating bone from marrow. It transforms our lives.

The phrase from this passage of Scripture which will be our focus for the week is a simple one. “I am going to the Father.”

Jesus has been saying it time and time again and in seven days it will be a reality. Each day in the last week of Jesus life on earth made the event a little more real. There were good days and bad days. But each day saw Jesus get a little bit closer to being with the Father. Each day became a step closer to home.

I am going to the Father

I want you to see your life in the very same way. When people ask, you should say, “I am going to the Father.” You are on a journey. You are going to be with the Father.

Each day when a man walks on the moon, or when the Challenger explodes; when your horse wins the Derby, or when 9-11 strikes; when the stock market rises, or when a coronavirus swarms us like a tsunami.

When the diagnosis is cancer. When your first grandchild is born. When you sit on the couch with your children laughing almost hysterically over your latest “dad joke.”

You are one step closer.



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