
Lent | Reading 5

The season of Lent provides a time for us to contemplate the depth and passion of our commitment to Christ as we approach Holy Week and Easter. Forty days are set aside as a sacred time to remember the forty days of fasting and prayer that Jesus spent in the wilderness before beginning His earthly…

One Step Closer to rest with the Father

Because I Am Going

The phrase we need to consider today is “because I am going.” What is the reason that Jesus had to go to the cross on His way to going to the Father? In order to answer that question, we need to develop a theology of sacrifice. The word “theology” simply comes from two Greek words…


COVID Easter Memories

Easter quietly wandered into our houses and snuck out the back door this year, didn’t it? Amidst daily coronavirus updates from governors and the president, a disrupted work schedule and changing patterns of shopping and community, the celebration of traditions had to be tossed aside. Would there even be any Easter memories this year? The…