What Does the Bible Teach About Giving?
A brother in Christ asked the question, “What does the Bible teach about giving?” The question is an important one because giving is a portion of the foundation for our understanding and practice of worship. Let’s take some time to ponder this question a little more detailed than what we normally do at “You Asked…

What Is the Meaning of “Walk in Truth?”
An interesting question was left for me the other day. “What does the Bible actually mean when it exhorts us to “walk in truth?” Let’s take a closer look at the biblical concepts involved because “You Asked For It.” The phrase “walk in truth” uses two images to describe our Christian experience. Let’s talk…

Can We Clap During Worship?
Another question was asked this week by a brother with concerns about worship. “Are we allowed to clap when we are in a church worship service?” Does your church clap during the service? Worship styles vary from culture to culture. Let’s look at a biblical perspective about applause because You Asked For It. Worship styles…

What Does the Bible Teach about Christian Unity?
My brother Phenuel from Kenya asked this question yesterday, “What does the Bible say about Christian unity?” Brother I am excited to share my thoughts on this topic. I have a couple of other questions to which I owe you responses. I will try to get to them today also. Here are my thoughts on…