What is the Best Method for Baptism?
Recently a brother asked a thoughtful question about the critical Christian doctrine of baptism. His query wondered, What is the best [method] of baptism? Disagreements and controversies arise because of the misunderstanding and improper application of many doctrines of Christianity. Teachings about baptism have resulted in differences of opinion on who should be baptized, what…

What Must I Do to be Saved?
This week a dear brother asked a very important question. His wording sounded like this: “What must a lost person do to be saved?” When Peter and the other apostles preached the first gospel sermon on the day of Pentecost, the response of the people shouted, “What must I do to be saved?” We will…

What Does the Bible Say About Widows?
Recently a question was posed through a friend on Facebook, “What does the Bible teach about widows?” The question may be directed toward two different purposes: Can a widow remarry? How should the church care for its widows? Let’s tackle both of these issues because you asked for it. A Scriptural Principle: Care for the…