Anger is seen everywhere today - in storms and in society.

Is the Virus a Judgment from the Wrath of God?

At least weekly, a Christian publication, blog post, sermon or podcast, or website strives for relevance by relating circumstances of the day with biblical events and teaching. “Is the coronavirus a result of God’s wrath against individuals or nations?” Thought-provoking content stirs our interest and increases readership. Should we see the virus as a judgment…

the journey begins

Scattered and Gathered: life after Babylon

Are you looking forward to the restrictions imposed because of COVID-19 being lifted? Many people anticipate the day that live worship services return and gathering together becomes easier. But many websites are warning that after the coronavirus passes, there will be no “return to normal.” Life for us has changed forever. What will a sermon…

scattered, the world of the exile

Scattered | the time between the testaments

The word “scattered” describes the nation of the Jews throughout their history. The word occurs in the Old Testament to describe God’s involvement in the moving of people. (Interestingly, it is a word that Jesus uses in His parables, especially that of the sower.) Some of the relevant OT Scriptures include Genesis 11:4, Deuteronomy 4:27,…

Strength and Sound Judgment

Strength and Sound Judgment

The qualities that are emphasized in week two are strength, sound judgment and discipline. What will it take to develop those characteristics in your life? Perhaps more importantly, why are these characteristics that we should be concerned about at all? These are the issues that we will address during the days this week. Let’s think…