Friday, April 14 | Omer Day Nine

In Leviticus 23:15-16, the Lord commanded the Israelites to count fifty days from the Passover to the festival of Shavu’ot. Seven full weeks transpired – forty-nine days with the fiftieth day being Shavu’ot. The Greek word for fifty is πεντηκοστῆς (pentekonta) so the festival became known as Pentecost, and the beginning of the church. Today…


While we may not need a “lesson” on Easter morning, we probably always need a reflection. Phil Wickham is one of the hottest praise and worship singer/songwriters in the world today. With songs like “Living Hope,” “This is Amazing Grace,” and “The Battle Belongs to You,” his music has probably been influencing your worship singing…

Lent | Reading 30

The season of Lent provides a time for us to contemplate the depth and passion of our commitment to Christ as we approach Holy Week and Easter. Forty days are set aside as a sacred time to remember the forty days of fasting and prayer that Jesus spent in the wilderness before beginning His earthly…

Lent | Reading 29

The season of Lent provides a time for us to contemplate the depth and passion of our commitment to Christ as we approach Holy Week and Easter. Forty days are set aside as a sacred time to remember the forty days of fasting and prayer that Jesus spent in the wilderness before beginning His earthly…

Lent | Reading 28

The season of Lent provides a time for us to contemplate the depth and passion of our commitment to Christ as we approach Holy Week and Easter. Forty days are set aside as a sacred time to remember the forty days of fasting and prayer that Jesus spent in the wilderness before beginning His earthly…

Lent | Reading 27

The season of Lent provides a time for us to contemplate the depth and passion of our commitment to Christ as we approach Holy Week and Easter. Forty days are set aside as a sacred time to remember the forty days of fasting and prayer that Jesus spent in the wilderness before beginning His earthly…