unlikely 01


I really didn’t want to be at work yesterday. It was unlikely that I wanted to be anywhere near work. It isn’t that I hate work, but yesterday was the day before the Fourth of July. Many businesses were closed so that their employees might enjoy an extended weekend. My company had given many the…

studies, words

Our Words

When I was seven or eight years old, my family would drive up to northern Indiana to visit my great-grandfather who was in his nineties. Grandpa Russell had been very hard of hearing since an accident when he was a young teen. He had an old house, with a old pot-bellied stove in the living…


Conversation, skills & story-telling

How we communicate – our conversation, our listening, our understanding, and our interaction – determines the influence we have with others. The better our conversation and communication, the better our relationships and development. Winston Churchill was one of the masters of communication. Recognized as one of the best known speakers of the past century, Churchill…

easter blossoms and sunrise

Promises Kept

There are times, seasons perhaps, in my life when I reflect on the things that are important and of value. The death of a friend or family member causes me to ponder the meaning and purpose of life and the possibility of life after death. A change in circumstances at work makes me consider priorities…