Bible, Growing the faith
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Growing the Faith: Leading and Deepening

Recently we have been spending time in our Adult Bible Study talking about the essentials of the faith – the items that we have to believe, that are not negotiable to still be considered a Christian. What doctrines are needed for growing the faith? We have mentioned concepts like beliefs in a personal, creative God;…

waves, grain, palms, hallelujah
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Traditions of Pentecost: A New Movement is Born

Traditions aren’t what they used to be, are they? Some things are just not necessary because they are no longer needed. I don’t have to sing all sixteen verses of Just as I Am as a hymn of invitation at the end of every church service. I don’t have to listen to my favorite music…

Be Different

Be Different

Have you studied or read through the entire Sermon on the Mount before? Did it strike you different? Most of us have studied parts of the sermon – perhaps the beatitudes or the Lord’s Prayer. But most of us have not given a great deal of time or effort in studying the entire passage. Sometime…

The dagger is raised. Let's sacrifice great.


A desire to be great. On the altar of my life, on a fire that never goes out, I tie to the platform the worldly desire to be great. Perhaps better stated, the worldly desire to be greater. We are looking for ideas – perhaps reasons – to give up some of the things in…

Barefoot BBQ - Remembering Dad


There are some days of the year that make me introspective. Father’s Day – the day to remember Dad –  is one of those days. The last five years, I have celebrated the actual day by having BBQ at a little food-truck restaurant in Seaside, Florida called Barefoot BBQ. There is something about staring at…

A good marriage is the spice of life (notice the hot sauces!). Love.

Before Marriage

I have several outlets that give me an opportunity to write: a column for a newspaper, articles for a couple of magazines, content for a few websites, and ramblings on Facebook (which one day will be housed on a personal website). Many times when I write, I do so because of events or circumstances that…