Welcome to the home of Koinonia Bible Studies. Koinonia is the Greek word for “fellowship.” Koinonia is a shared fellowship with Jesus, but it is more. Our fellowship involves how we look at the world, a shared system of beliefs or worldview. The fellowship we share is expansive; we are moved and motivated to communicate the joy and hope we have found with others. Communicating koinonia places a responsibility on our shoulders to do so correctly, with truth and in love. Koinonia Bible Studies seeks to assist you in understanding and communicating the koinonia of your faith.

Concerned that you don’t know the Bible as well as you should? “Biblical Literacy” is a small book containing five simple steps to improve your understanding of the Bible. Throughout the chapters are opportunities for you to put into practice the information you are learning. The book concludes with a five-lesson guide that can be used in a small group study setting. The book is available on Amazon for $5.00.

Below, icons leading you to several ABS lessons are available to you for free. On the far left, “Living Your Next” is the series we just finished. The lessons examined what we need to do as an individual and as the church as we await God’s next blessing. “Second Helpings” studies the four chapters in Paul’s final New Testament book, the book of 2nd Timothy. “Second Helpings is the current series and begins September 4th. On the right, “For the Choir Director” will be the next series of lessons. The study will examine a handful of the psalms that are dedicated to the chief musician.

Join us in our ABS study for November and December! Travel with Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem as all of Scripture awaits the coming Messiah.
Small group leaders and teachers – sign up below to prepare for the lessons by studying the lesson ahead of time each Monday evening starting October 24th.

The Gospel of Matthew was the most popular New…
1 Corinthians
The letter of 1 Corinthians to the members of the church at Corinth gives us…
2 Timothy
Without a doubt, the last book written by…
The placement of Luke as the third gospel occurs in almost all of the early…
At almost every level, Romans stands as the greatest…
No other book in the New Testament fascinates and…

The process has begun for writing a new book. The concept for this work occupies great importance for me. There appears to be an enormous need for its ideas in our society. My thoughts also contain an adventure that was personally life-changing. The story bubbles inside my head nearly every day, anxious and impatient, demanding to be told.
In an American culture that is markedly less “Judeo-Christian” than previous generations, in a Christian culture that has less biblical knowledge than before, and in a local church setting that currently tries to be more “user-friendly” with less “teaching” settings and more “small-group activities,” is there any way we can prepare the next generation to become better Bible students who can then emerge as compelling Bible teachers?
The possible answer to that question has been rolling around in my mind as a student at a Seminary, as a owner and operator of a local Christian bookstore, and as a church leader for over thirty years.
In addition, the story is embedded in an adventure to take steps along paths where the Apostle Paul moved his feet. The journey includes visiting Rome and the Vatican, climbing to the top of Mars Hill in Athens, and sailing atop the waters of the Mediterranean. The reality of the places and events of the Bible made my faith leap off the page.
Join me in the adventure of seeing this dream become a reality. Pray for God’s blessing on the process and the words chosen to communicate truths that are incredibly important. Become a partner with me by ordering a book in advance, or by sharing in some of the costs of getting the book on paper. You will receive an autographed copy of the book and some other treats showing my appreciation for your level of involvement.

That’s What Christmas Means to Me
I love celebrating the…
We Don’t Get the Grace of God
I have been a student of the Scriptures since at least my high school days…
This Week in Church History – Nov 1 – Martin Luther
We pause for a few moments every week to take a look back through the…
This Week in Church History – Sep 8 – Schweitzer and Teresa
This Week in Church History – August 15
August 15…
The Desert
Stasi Eldredge once wrote, “God leads all his…
This Week in Church History – Aug 4
This Week in Church History – July 28
Understanding history teaches important lessons; unfortunately, many of the lessons fall by the wayside….
Today’s lesson brings us to a remarkable period of…
Why I Still Believe in Small Groups!
I am on several church leadership mailing lists. This past week I read a great…
“I Don’t Need Bad Theology”
I confess I am a…
Friday, April 14 | Omer Day Nine
In Leviticus 23:15-16,…

Listen. Pretty please, listen
Listen. Do you mind if I…
Communicating Sound Doctrine
From the days that I sat at…
Communicate Strength: Speaking Trust and Confidence
Incredible things happen when…
Our Words
When I was seven or eight years old,…
My Heart is Hooked on Words
At any given time,…
Conversation, skills & story-telling
How we communicate – our conversation,…


Growling at the Word

The Cross of Christ