The text below summarizes the introduction I made to our Adult Bible Study group as I began this lesson series last Sunday. The paragraphs try to present a context for “next” – the idea driving these lessons. In a culture that is increasingly secular and a church that is dynamically different than what we were used to, what path must we take to preserve sound doctrine and prepare individuals to be faithful teachers and students? What are we to do next?

A sermon I heard at the end of June encouraged us to ready ourselves for the next phase or season of God’s blessings. The sermon was titled, “Live Your Next.” The truth of “living our next” took on a very personal nature for me. This explanation provides a bit of context for that reaction.

For quite some time, a concern of my heart has been for the nature and future of our Adult Bible Study group. Are Bible studies the appendage in the church for our age Christian that will one day fade away?

The Cause for Concerns

I think about our Bible study group all the time.

I have always been concerned about the content of what we study. In many ways students in this class are a “cream of the crop.” Not only are you seasoned Saints, but you have also demonstrated for years what it means to be committed and serving in a local church. You should be learning more about Scripture than most. You need to be hearing applications of the truth to life in a more pointed way.

I am also concerned about the class because of me. In less than two months I will be 66 years of age. I already have lived longer than any male on the known May side of the family. There will come a day when I will not be teaching any longer.

I am concerned about the class because of you. I am one of a handful of the youngest members of this group. In a congregation that talks about the importance of Bible study, the method of studying the Bible on campus on Sunday outside of the preaching environment – which right now is pointed toward non-believers – is not a priority.

What is the context for next?

Is there a “next” for this class?

Under our circumstances there is a next only if we choose to take it. If we hesitate, if we postpone deciding, if we are unsure of the direction to take, the opportunity to decide may pass us by.

During the month of July, we are going to talk about what our next steps need to be in four distinct areas of personal discipline and spiritual growth. The value of Scripture, prayer, encouragement, and passing the mantle of study will be presented, studied, and reflected upon. Each week you will be encouraged to participate in putting the principles into practice. You will be prepared for God’s next season of blessing in this area of study.

We must be open to God’s blessing. Numerical growth and “passing the mantle” will be left to God’s desire and leading.

The story of Elijah passing the mantle to Elisha (1 Kings 19:16-21) provides an example for us to follow. From city to city the two travel together. Elisha continues to press on with his master, despite Elijah’s repeated admonitions to turn back. Finally, Elijah casts the mantle and Elisha picks it up.

Therefore, let’s ask people to follow. Here’s a link to proceed to the first lesson, “Ground in the Word.”
