Where do we go from here? Our spiritual journey depends on your heart. Let’s start by committing it to the Bible, God’s Holy Word. Our first step is the be ground in the Word.

Holding fast that faithful word according to doctrine

Titus 1:9a Geneva Bible (GNV, 1599)

Titus 1:9 NASB

Titus 1:9 NIV

Titus 1:9 ESV

Titus 1:9 NLT

Titus 1:9 NCV

Titus 1:9 MESSAGE

Understand the original Greek? See Titus 1:9 in the Nestle – Aland Greek text.

We understand the importance and inspiration of Scripture. Most of us read it – even study it – on a regular basis. Our commitment its teaching is probably higher than most. Let’s tweak our approach to God’s Word just a little bit and become even more productive.

Lesson Handout

If you are interested in having a lesson summary, use this pdf as a handout.

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The Pointe

The first step in being prepared for God’s blessing is to be ground in the Word.

Steps to Being Ground in the Word

What process must take place to assure being ground in the Word? Here are three basics ideas to take our commitment to the Bible and our study time one level deeper.

First, study the Bible with urgency.

When bad weather approaches, you watch news reports about weather more closely and with more energy than most days. The news of a tragedy captures our attention differently than most stories. Commit to reading the Bible each weekday – a little or a lot – with energy and urgency. This is the most important thing you will do all day.

Second, study the Bible with someone.

Doing things together builds accountability and adds perspective. Usually, we read the Bible by ourselves, don’t we? Commit to reading the Bible twice a week all summer with someone. You can count Sunday at church as one day. (If you skip church that week, you must add another day.)

Finally, study the Bible with hope.

When we pray, we approach God with expectations. We desire our prayers to be answered. Apply that same expectation to your reading of God’s Word. Expect God to make a difference in your heart and your mind. Each time you open its pages, ask God to make clear the truth He wants you to reinforce in your life.

After Labor Day, let’s talk together about what happened because of the steps we take this summer.

Your Cafeteria of Commitment

Your Cafeteria of Commitment offers several ways that you can put the truths of today’s lesson into practice in your life. Don’t feel that you have to do everything listed here. Pick ones that fit your personality and circumstances, or let them be springboards for your own ideas.

Next_Cafe_Ground in the Word
Pointes to Ponder
Here are some questions to think about.
  • How many Bibles would we find at your home? Which is your favorite version? How often do you study it at home?
  • What does it mean to you to “study the Bible with urgency”? Have there been times in your life you felt you have studied with that sense of importance?
  • What will you choose to do to become more ground in the Word?

The quest for deeper Bible study to keep you ground in the Word challenges you to further reading. You will want to examine other articles on our website. Koinonia Bible Studies listed five articles on the menu on the right. Be sure and notice “Building the Habit of Daily Bible Study” and “Scriptures You Should Know By Heart.”

Blessings upon your journey.