“The City of Ephesus” from the lesson series Grab Your Passport, April 2021

our Scripture

They arrived at Ephesus, where Paul left Priscilla and Aquila.

Acts 18:18-21 ESV

Acts 17:1-9 NIV


Acts 17:1-9 NASB


Acts 17:1-9 NLT


Acts 17:1-9 MESSAGE


Other Scripture references:

Acts 27:2

Philippians 4:16

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

2 Timothy 4:10

2 Thessalonians 3:17-18

Revelation 1:11

Revelation 2:1

Ephesians 1:1

our Lessons

Have you ever longed for your church to be more like a church of the New Testament?  If so, you should carefully study the church at Ephesus.  More material in the NT pertains historically to Ephesus than any other community of believers.  No less than 20 chapters, covering a period of more than 40 years, describe God’s work in this city.  Luke describes its founding (Acts 18 – 20), Paul wrote Ephesians to the congregation there and sent two letters to Timothy, its young evangelist.  John, repeating a message from Christ, encouraged and warned the believers in a letter preserved in the book of Revelation (2:1-7).

Paul Begins a Journey

The eighteenth chapter of Acts is filled with much movement for Paul and his companions.  He decides that his ministry in Corinth is about to come to an end. The apostle senses it is time to report back to Antioch.  He travels a short distance to a town named Cenchrea, Corinth’s eastern sea port.  Sailors would haul small ships and their cargo across the Isthmus of Corinth on a man-made ship road rather than sailing 200 miles around the dangerous peninsula.  Apparently Paul takes a vow here and has his head shaved.  Cenchrea was the home of Phoebe who gained biblical fame for being the courier of the letter to the Romans.


Sailing from Cenchrea, Paul apparently has a “lay-over” in Ephesus.  This was very common in the ancient world, much like spending waiting time in an airport today.  Most likely some goods were being left at Ephesus and other goods and passengers were brought aboard.  A typical stop would take about a week, but often was extended because of weather conditions.  Paul takes the opportunity to “reason with the Jews” in the synagogue.  Intrigued in some way by their response or the size of the city, Paul leaves Priscilla and Aquila in Ephesus.  Luke interestingly adds that the two friends asked Paul to stay longer in Ephesus, leaving us to only speculate the situation.  Paul’s answer, though, is clearly given: he will not stay for he desires to be in Jerusalem for the upcoming Passover feast.

Sound Doctrine in Ephesus

After visiting Jerusalem and the Temple for the Passover and spending some time in Antioch reporting on his journey, Paul again embarks on travel.  He retraces his steps through Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening the churches in Lystra, Derbe and Iconium.  Paul’s ultimate destination is to return to Ephesus and reunite with his friends.  Luke interjects a story at this point giving us a picture of what is happening with Priscilla and Aquila.  A Jew from Alexandria, Egypt named Apollos has arrived in Ephesus.  Luke describes him as eloquent, a term referring to his speaking ability.  He also tells us that he was mighty in the Scriptures – what an incredible description – and that he had the ability to reason and convince his listeners.  The picture of the two helping Apollos understand the Scripture and then commending him to a ministry should encourage us today to prepare and send servants.

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