Welcome to the home of Koinonia Bible Studies. Koinonia is the Greek word for “fellowship.” Koinonia is a shared fellowship with Jesus, but it is more. Our fellowship involves how we look at the world, a shared system of beliefs or worldview. The fellowship we share is expansive; we are moved and motivated to communicate the joy and hope we have found with others. Communicating koinonia places a responsibility on our shoulders to do so correctly, with truth and in love. Koinonia Bible Studies seeks to assist you in understanding and communicating the koinonia of your faith.

A New Year of Faithfulness

Our faith stands energized as we celebrate holiday seasons. When we remember sacrifice and resurrection of Easter, we become impassioned by the redemptive love of God for us. The holidays of the fall focus our attention upon our thankfulness and gratitude for God’s blessings, seen especially in the greatest gift of all, His Son. As we start a new year, enrich the koinonia of your faith. Here are a handful of ways that Koinonia Bible Studies can assist you. Click the pictures below to lead you on a holiday journey.

I've Got Plenty to be Thankful For

Peek at “I’ve Got Plenty to Be Thankful For” for a quick and enjoyable look at Psalm 100. These comments and personal reflection should help focus your thoughts on the consistent way God has blessed your life.


Koinonia Bible Studies’ Ministry

New Year Counting

Research has shown that it takes between 18 and 60 days for something to become a habit. The 21/90 rule states that you build a habit in 21 days and make it a permanent lifestyle change in 90 days. Are you ready for some positive change in the new year? Let’s work first on building the habit. This link will take you to a twenty-one day program of reading the Bible, reflecting and praying at the beginning of your day. This link will become active tomorrow morning, January 3rd.

Follow this link to learn more about the Bible Study lessons and devotions planned for the year 2022. The year should include a couple of new e-books offered through Amazon available for purchase.

About Koinonia Bible Studies

About Tom May

Learn how your church or group can enjoy the teaching and ministry of Tom May and the Koinonia Bible Studies collection to help you understand and communicate the koinonia of your faith.