You have probably already begun to see features or read articles about making resolutions for the coming year. A majority of us say we make them. A whopping 73.7% of men, and 74.26% of women plan to make resolutions in the coming year. An even more impressive figure, 141.1 million Americans, or roughly 55% of the people, say that keeping the resolutions are within their reach.

For many of those with a faith background, there is a passion to also make resolutions for a deeper spiritual commitment during the coming year. Many of us attempt to read through the Bible in a year, to improve our church attendance, or even to increase our giving, but often we fall short of those goals. May I encourage you this year to join with us in forming some habit to improve the way we study and understand the Bible? I have put together a daily plan of Bible reading that will help you build a way of understanding the historical context of Scripture, making appropriate applications of the Scripture, all the while forming good habits of daily Bible reading.

Research has shown that it takes about 21 days to form a habit. Then to make it a real life-style change, continue the habit for another 90 days. Several psychologists refer to this as the 21-90 rule. If we start reading from the Bible now, 111 days from January 1st will put us close to Easter, April 17, 2022. Are you up for the challenge? Invite your friends to join us. Sign up on the form. Our first day will be on Monday, January 3, 2022.

The First 21 Days

We will start our journey slow and easy. We will read one verse each day, think about how the verse applies to our life, and ask God to bless us in the reading and hearing of His Word. The main version of the Bible listed will be the New International Version.

Links provided make twelve other versions available to you, including a Spanish version. English versions are available as either translation or paraphrase .

We will build fellowship with each other by offering our thoughts in the reply tab at the bottom of this page. Each day, you can answer the thought question yourself, or you can comment and respond to the post of someone else. Not only are you learning to read Scripture, but you are reflecting on it and communicating your understanding of it to others. You are building your own understanding of your personal context of the Bible.

week one

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week two

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week three

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