Welcome to the home of the current series of the ABS Adult Bible Studies. Many of these lessons have been “classroom” studied and tested during Sunday classes or weekly home small groups. This is a complete list of the Bible Studies available on this site. The goal is sometime this year to have a “live” on-line study appearing here. If you study with us, we would appreciate you leaving a note at the bottom of the page.

THE POINTE: There are distinct steps involved in preparing for God’s coming blessings.


There are nine lessons in this ABS series, Living Your Next. The study focuses on an interesting passage from Old Testament prophet Hosea. God is addressing the people through the prophet as proclaims,

“For it is time to seek the Lord, Until He comes and showers His righteousness on you”

(Hosea 10:12b NIV).

Hosea 10:12 NASB

Hosea 10:12 ESV

Hosea 10:12 HCSB

Hosea 10:12 NCV

Hosea 10:12 NLT

Hosea 10:12 MESSAGE

How do we need to seek the Lord as we wait for Him to shower His righteousness upon us? What are the next steps? The introduction is not a lesson – per say – but provides you with a little background behind the writing and purpose of these lessons.

ABS – KBS_2205_Living Your Next

Ground in the Word
Bathed in Prayer
Encourage One Another
In Step with the Spirit
Steps and Stops
Our Next Steps

The next ABS lesson series introduces us to Second Helpings. The four lesson set presents valuable truths from the Apostle Paul’s last written letter in the New Testament. Facing death at the hands of the Roman government, Paul has final words of encouragement and challenge for his close friend and protege. The lessons begin September 4, 2022.

There are two other ABS studies that are available for free on the site. The lessons in Early Church Words examine five words used as the church began. The words can be found in the opening chapters of the book of Acts. These words molded and shaped the direction of the church. Also, the lesson series Starting Fresh introduces a simple presentation of the gospel message.