Return from Babylon

For most of us, the exile has seemed like years and months, not weeks. Hours before Sunday morning worships were scheduled to begin, decisions were made from Maine to California that church doors would not open on March 15th. The hope among politicians and religious leaders was that the act would help deter the spread of the coronavirus. We long for the day when we will return from Babylon.

Prior to March 15th, church buildings were bustling gathering places for believers. Programs were offered for every age group. People supported and encouraged each other through heartfelt embraces of the body and the spirit. Therefore, the touch of the Master’s hand could be felt through His people. 

After March 15th, church buildings were virtually empty. God’s people were scattered – away from support, study and spirit. Common ceremonies like graduations, baptisms, weddings and funerals were postponed or improvised. Consequently, fellowship became a virtual experience, something less than true communication.

Once worship resumes at your church, the experience on Sundays dramatically changes. Social distancing will prevail. Traditions of greeting and other forms of fellowship will be eliminated. Many of your programs, including classes for Bible Study, will be eliminated or postponed.

The return from Exile will gather God’s people, but their lives will remain scattered. The study “Return from Babylon” will help make gathered what has been scattered or lost. 

Return from Babylon,

Here is a brief summary listing of the lessons for the series. Each lesson develops a theme in the process of the Jewish people returning from their exile in Babylon. The return was orchestrated under the leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah. In the five lessons, we will explore the process of God gathering His people back together and we will search for applications to the gathering that is occurring today.


Lesson One

Gathered: calling the people of God together

Deuteronomy 30:1-5



Lesson Two

Rebuilding the Walls: an analogy between physical & spiritual walls

Nehemiah 2:17-20



Lesson Three

Rejoicing in the Word: celebrating God speaking and our listening

Nehemiah 8:2-8



Lesson Four

Promises to Obey: putting together a “To Do” list

Nehemiah 9:38; 10:28-38



Lesson Five

Proclaim & Publish it: with one voice

Nehemiah 8:9, 13-18



If you are interested in learning more about the context in which the Jewish people were “scattered” as the Old Testament closes and the New Testament bursts forth in the person of Jesus, please look at the lesson “Scattered” for more details.

This individual lesson is Online now.  Click the image below to access the page.

the journey begins


COMING SOON: Our next two Bible Study Series will begin to come online on in the early days of August.  “Hitting the Ceiling: helping your prayers go beyond the roof” and “Come Together: fellowship at a distance” will follow the same format as “Return from Babylon.” Each will present five lessons which can be used in personal devotional study or in a small group setting.

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  1. Thank you so much for preparing this timely study for our classes. It looks to be a deep study, perfect for our lives & situation right now. Appreciate your efforts & anticipate studying scattered, yet together in the WORD

    1. Oh Carol ~
      Thank you so much for the kind words! I am really looking forward to it as well. I am pleased with how these lessons are turning out. Watch Facebook and emails this week. The first lesson will be posted on Thursday and you can browse through it. We will have “class” on Monday and/or Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm. Eventually we will put together a ZOOM environment for us. Tell everyone to be looking for things this week!

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