One Step Closer to rest with the Father

That the World May Know

The interesting phrase, “that the world may know” is the subject of our attention for today. As we move toward the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, there is a phrase in verse 31 of John 14 that is translated very well by the English Standard Version (ESV). Several other translations use the same wording, including the KJV, NASB, NKJV, CEV, NLT and NRSV.

The phrase stands out in some versions. The entire sentence is captured best by the CEV, “I obey my Father so that everyone in the world might now that I love Him.”


Why should you obey God’s commands?

You have been stuck inside your home for the better part of three weeks, venturing out only for groceries and prescription visits to the pharmacy. Your retirement account has sprung a leak and you seem to be losing gallons daily. Your job has laid you off indefinitely. Every sniffle during astronomical pollen counts has you concerned. Your favorite form of entertainment, going out to eat, has been taken away from you. Your patience is as thin as well-made rice paper on a sushi roll.

Why shouldn’t you lose your temper? Why shouldn’t you snap at the thoughtlessness of people? What difference does your behavior make?

You obey God’s commands so the world may know that you love Him.

A stretch of the highway sprawls around curves where the speed limit is not clearly marked. You know that closer to the town the speed limit is 30, but out here it seems like 55 would be safe. Cars are passing you every chance they get. Everyone is going faster than you.

You decide to give the engine a bit more gas to keep up with the flow of traffic. You are now cruising between 55 and 60, when the flashing lights behind you motion you to the side. “I am sorry, officer, I didn’t know what the speed limit was through here.”

“The speed limit is 40. You should have known.”

The Bible Written on Your Heart

Most of the world doesn’t know the commands of God. Most of the world does not read the Bible. Why should you obey God?

So the world will know.

On the Monday of the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry, our Savior spent the day teaching. In the temple. Out on the streets. For an intimate, personal small group and for a larger crowds. He taught so that people would know. Honor Him today by reading some of the things He taught in that last week. You will find some of the teachings in Matthew 22:1-14, Matthew 22:15-22, Matthew 22:23-40, Matthew 23:1-15, Matthew 24:3-14.

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