
Refreshing – God’s Autumn Providence

It is Monday morning, a day that I have been looking forward to for months. The time has come for me to launch a new Bible study. The study is called “Autumn Refreshing” and pauses in the month of November to remind us of the value in the cooling rains and the changing colors. Just as sure as the heat parches our spirits in summer, God is faithful to provide a multitude of autumn “rains” in our lives. Andrew Murray wrote, “Faith expects from God what is beyond all expectation.”

The autumn season is finally upon us. How does autumn hit you were you live? Was there frost on your pumpkins this morning? Regardless of how autumn arrives at your house, the truth is it has been a long, hot summer. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), summer 2019 was the hottest summer on record (the last 150 years) for the Northern Hemisphere. This past August tied for the second hottest on the entire planet.

We are anxious to be refreshed by the breezes of autumn.

Autumn refreshing in the Bible

But did you know that the Bible also talks about the refreshment of autumn? There are several references to autumn rain in Scriptures. Depending on your translation of the Bible, you may see the rains called autumn rain, early rain or former rain. Precipitation and cooler climates were very significant in the days of the Bible.

Farmers in the Mediterranean would have two growing seasons, but the primary season was in the fall and then they would harvest in the spring. The practice revolved around the rain patterns in their climate. In the summer, there would be very little rain. The rainy season would then begin in the autumn and continue through winter and spring. Autumn rains broke the summer drought and softened the parched land, preparing it for the new season’s crops.

There is great symbolic significance to the refreshment of autumn. Just as the rain refreshes the dry soil, God refreshes the souls of His people with His Spirit. Our “dry” seasons of life may include disappointment, turmoil, grief, discouragement, depression, or sin. Sometimes the busy nature of life can leave us drained even when we aren’t facing huge trials. Join me in the adventure of our journey through this Bible study.

A Peek at a Psalm

Our study focuses on Psalm 84, an intriguing psalm of worship, longing and the presence of God. Each week we will look at the wonders that God provides for our autumn refreshment. A new lesson will be posted each week, but our Bible study will literally be growing every day. Each day will find new posting, new resources, and new ways to find refreshing.

What I think will set this journey apart is this: each Thursday night at 8:00pm starting on November 7th, I will be on the site chatting live. You can leave questions or comments at any time that I will cover, or you can come with questions I am looking forward to sharing the studies with you. You will get a chance to wrestle live with biblical content.

If you are a teacher or small group leader, you can use the lesson in your group. Chatting live, we can discuss presentation ideas, discussion questions, or best-practices for living out the lesson in our faith. In addition, there will be a one page, pdf file that you can print out to use with your small group or to give to your “less than internet connected” friends.

I am looking forward to this adventure. I hope it will begin to bridge the gap between the traditional Bible School class and presenting material to the next generation without sacrificing the value of sound doctrine and biblical content.

Join us in our new Bible Study, Autumn Refreshing. Blessings.

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    1. Good morning John! I hope this continues to evolve into something that we all can share and use. When you get to the real first lesson, Autumn Rain, the menu on the left will house all of the resources, including some daily Scripture readings, a one page “Reader’s Digest” summary that you can use as a handout, along with some discussion questions and a quiz. Let me know what you think!

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