While the importance of the printed page is changing, the value of resources is not. The following is a listing of study tools accumulated as Bible Basics Resources as the lessons were being assembled. In addition to these Bible Basics Resources, each lesson has handouts and specific tools for use.



Josh McDowell: The Bible

R.C. Sproul: Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone)

Josh McDowell: Reliability of Scripture – The Bible is True

Josh McDowell: Reliability of Scripture – Accuracy of the Old Testament

N.T. Wright: The Authority of the Bible



John Piper: Is the Bible Without Error?

Tim Keller: Is the Bible Literally True?



Rick Warren: Why Can I Trust the Bible?

Josh McDowell: Can I Trust the Bible

Jonathan Sarfati, Creation Ministries International: Should We Trust the Bible?

Norton Herbst, Explore God: Can I Trust the Bible?

Theopedia: Inerrancy of the Bible



 Geisler and Roach: Defending Inerrancy

John MacArthur, ed.: The Scripture Cannot Be Broken

Merrick, Garrett, and Mohler: Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy

J.I. Packer: Engaging the Written Word of God

Vern Poythress: Inerrancy and Worldview

R.C. Sproul: Can I Trust the Bible?


In addition to these resources that are specific to Bible Basics, you may want to look at 9 Research Tools for Bible Study, Biblical Resources by Charles Swindoll, and Bible Study Resources you should own.

Perhaps the most important resource, and one that is often overlooked, is a good Bible. If you are going to be a student of the Bible, you should have several versions at your fingertips. This includes having different kinds of translations, including several study Bibles. You can find several options online that offer ways to look at parallel translations so you can get a good look at how translators have stayed true to the original language and readability. I split the kinds of actual translations into three categories: word-for-word translations, phrase-for-phrase translations, and idiomatic translations.  My favorite word-for-word translation is the New American Standard Version. A favorite phrase-for-phrase translation is the New International Version. The idiomatic translation that catches my attention is The Message. Two of the newer translations that you should be aware of is the English Standard Version and the Christian Standard Version.